


At Washingtonville Dental Group, we're dedicated to helping patients with missing teeth find their smiles again. Dentures are one of our effective solutions, as they are removable, custom-made appliances that can replace a row or even an arch of teeth!

old couple laughing

How Are Dentures Made?

Dentures are temporary restorations made of porcelain or resin. To create dentures, we take impressions of your mouth to get molds and craft dentures for your unique mouth shape. Once they're ready, we place them over your gums using a non-toxic adhesive, and you get a complete, natural-looking smile.

Types of Dentures

Complete Dentures

When you're missing all teeth in either your upper or lower jaw, complete dentures come to the rescue. They fit snugly over your gums, giving you a natural-looking smile.

Partial Dentures

Are you missing only a few teeth? Partial dentures are the perfect solution. They fill the gaps like puzzle pieces and blend seamlessly with your remaining teeth.

Can I Eat Normally with Dentures?

Once you get used to your new dentures after a few weeks, you can eat most foods again. We recommend starting with softer foods and gradually moving on to heartier meals. Remember you can always contact us if you're uncomfortable or having trouble eating with your restorations.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

On average, dentures last around 5 to 10 years. However, you may need adjustments or new dentures if your oral health or jaw structure changes.

How to Care for Dentures

  • Remove and rinse dentures after meals to keep them clean.
  • Brush your dentures gently with a soft brush and denture cleaner every day.
  • Store dentures in a safe place overnight, preferably in water or denture solution.
  • Handle dentures with care to avoid breakage.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups.

Contact Washingtonville Dental Group to Learn More About Dentures

Do you want to smile confidently and indulge in your favorite foods again? Reach out to our friendly team at Washingtonville Dental Group, and we'll guide you through our denture services. Contact us today!