Same Day


Same Day Crowns

Our dentists believe in providing the most efficient and comfortable dental solutions for you and your family. Say goodbye to multiple dental appointments and hello to same day crowns – restorations designed, manufactured, and placed in a single dental visit!

dentist talking to a patient

How Are Same Day Crowns Made?

At Washingtonville Dental Group, we use state-of-the-art CEREC® technology to create same day crowns. CEREC® allows us to take digital impressions of your damaged tooth and use them to design a beautiful and natural-looking crown that matches your existing teeth.

Then, the design is sent to our in-house milling machine, which crafts your custom crown from high-quality ceramic materials. In just one visit, we'll place the crown on your tooth and make any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit.

Which Issues Can Same Day Crowns Fix?

 Same day crowns are versatile and can address various dental concerns in a single appointment. They can effectively fix issues like:

How Long Do Same Day Crowns Last?

You'll be pleased to know that same day crowns are designed to be long-lasting, just like traditional crowns. If you schedule regular dental check-ups and take proper care of your teeth at home, same day crowns can serve you well for over a decade and ensure your smile remains beautiful and healthy.

Benefits of Same Day Crowns

  • Get your new crown without the need for multiple appointments.
  • Experience aesthetically pleasing results that blend with your other teeth.
  • Preserve more of your natural tooth structure, thanks to precise digital impressions and CAD/CAM technology.
  • Forget about temporary crowns that don't match your teeth.

Interested in the Benefits of Same Day Crowns?

We're eager to help you achieve a picture-perfect smile with our advanced CEREC® technology. Contact us today to book a visit or learn more about our visit!